‘Kingdom come’ lyrics

Rebuild your temple, O merciful God
Restore this nation, please
Rekindle embers once burning with heat
Return us to our knees

Revive this body, O kiss of life
Renew our vision, please
Create new wineskins to carry new blood
Would you your truth release?

Let your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Let your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven

Reverse this current that’s flowing away
Rebuke our pride Lord, please
Remove religion that hides from your face
Would you this moment seize?

Reveal the blueprints to where you would lead
Release dry wood to die
Redeem your children as promised of old
For them to you we cry

This is one of the tracks on Andy Flannagan’s 2014 album, The Collection.

Tracks on The Collection

More albums by Andy Flannagan

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